Tournament Results


NMJT Junior Championship<br />(Players must have played in 5 previous events to play)-Aug 02, 2009 - 01:00 AM


Flight Age Name Score Score 2 Points
A 31 Abramson, Matthew 78 81 0
A 32 Colburn, Patrick 79 76 0
A 31 Loberg, Conor 80 83 0
A 31 Prescott, Jonathon 82 82 0
A 29 Goebel, Todd 82 85 0
A 32 Goebel, Eric 85 82 0
A 30 Brons-Piche, Nikolaj 85 84 0
A 32 Denstaedt, Trevor 86 84 0
A 30 Northway, Andrew 86 93 0
A 30 Bardenhagen, Paul 87 79 0
A 32 Luomala, Zachary 88 WD 0
A 30 Lammy, Sean 89 87 0
A 30 O'Brien, Mike 89 93 0
A 32 McLaren, Nicholas 90 83 0
A 31 Smith, Zachary 94 79 0
A 32 Greenman, Aaron 95 77 0
A 30 Muller, Gates 96 75 0
A 32 Yanick, Leland 97 80 0
A 28 Andersen, Race 97 86 0
A 32 Gaston, Kevin 97 94 0
A 33 Thiel, Corey 97 94 0
A 32 Campbell, Andrew 103 WD 0
A 31 Miller, Evan WD WD 0
A 30 O'Connel, Jordan WD WD 0
A 30 Bialik, Zack 82 76 0
A 28 Bialik, Alex 113 99 0


Flight Age Name Score Score 2 Points
A 32 Frey, Lucy 102 83 0